Purse Cupcakes

Purse Cupcakes

Idea gallery #837
  • standard size cupcakes
  • white, blue, green, brown fondant
  • buttercream icing
  • purse cutters, flower plunger cutters
  • silver luster dust
  • cupcake wrappers
Roll out fondant, using texture if desired and cut out purse shapes. Allow to completely dry. Garnish with flower cut outs, luster dust and extra decorations if desired. Ice cupcakes with thin layer of buttercream icing. Roll of fondant for cupcakes, using texture for some and cut out disks using circle cutter. Place a disk on top of each cupcake and smooth down edges. Pipe mound of buttercream on top of cupcake to support finished purses. Place each cupcake into cupcake wrapper.

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